About me
My name is Gastón Galarce and Im from Argentina. I live with my wife, my two kiddos, and a little dachshund named Tofi.
I'm a book lover and I have worked in the justice for more than 15 years. I never dedicated myself to the artistic world until 2020 with the confinement due to the pandemic.
In August 2020, after my day-work, during the nights, or when I had some free time I dedicated myself to learning Photoshop. My first steps in this artistic world were inspired by great artists like Carles Marsal, Vanessa Rivera, Joel Robinson, Rikar Rodin, Visual of Julius. I am still improving day by day, gaining more knowledge, and entering the 3d world. But while I was learning, I realized that I need to learn a lot of other things to accomplish my goals, so I started learning composition, theory of color, storytelling, a little photography and seeing a lot of artists to train my eye and achieve better results.
Something funny is that I don't know how to draw. All the work you see is made with pictures from stocks, photomanipulations, and the magic of photoshop, but my need to properly finish led me to take lighting and composition drawing courses to understand how to apply it in my works.
This journey started as a hobby but little by little it became more serious. In September 2021 I gave my first steps in the world of NFTs and the community received me in an incredible way so I decided to embark on a project that I never imagined could exist: Create Art.
As you will see, these are my first steps and I hope you can join me and see how far it takes me. The only advice that I give you for this journey is that you need to close your eyes and dreamaway.